13 June 2022

Open Call for Contributions/Essays

The Decolonizing Madness Blog invites contributions and short essays on psychiatry, power, and culture. We would love to feature the work of scholars, students and clinicians, read your reflections from the field and learn from exciting initiatives, methodologies and ongoing projects on the broad topic of Decolonizing Madness.

We are interested in essays that fall within the blog’s two running series:

  • Glimpses from the Past: showcasing significant archival sources on the history of psychiatry and decolonizing madness
  • Psychiatry, Mental Health and the Arts: showcasing past and current art interventions that challenge "psy" institutions, knowledge, practices, and agents.

We are also interested in contributions addressing a range of other relevant topics, such as:

  • Reflections from the Field: Ethnographic, historical and literary reflections while conducting research.
  • A theoretical and/or practical intervention on specific debates pertaining to psychiatry, illness and culture.
  • A methodological intervention: exploring interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to the study of psychiatry and decolonizing madness.


Essays must be no more than 1,000-2,000 words. Contributions in different languages are welcome, provided that the authors submit an English abstract/ summary of the text. Scholars and clinicians, students and researchers are all welcome to contribute!

Inquiries and essays (preferably with a picture attached with copyrighted material) can be sent directly to lamia@hum.ku.dk