31 May 2022

Upcoming activities and events

In case you are wondering what our DECOLMAD group is up to these days, we have compiled a list of the activities, events and talks that we have been engaging in.

Gabriel has organized Dominique Behague’s visit to the University of Copenhagen on 2-3 June. Dominique is an Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine, Health, and Society, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (USA) and the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London, London (UK). She will have some meetings with the DECOLMAD team, and she also will give a lecture titled “The politics of clinic and critique in Southern Brazil”.

Besides, Gabriel is preparing the launch of a co-edited book (with Álvaro Jiménez) titled “¿Somos nuestros cerebro? Neurociencias, Salud Mental y Sociedad” [Are we our brains? Neurosciences, Mental Health and Society]. The book will include contributions of scholars such as Nikolas Rose, Joelle M. Abi-Rached, Francisco Ortega, Fernando Vidal, Alain Ehrenberg, Victoria Pitts-Taylor, Junko Kitanaka and others. It will be published in Spanish by Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales in Chile.

Shilpi has given a talk on her book titled ‘Curing Madness? A Social and Cultural History of Madness in Colonial North India’ live on YouTube for the Karwaan Special Lecture on 9 April 2022. She also had an interesting conversation about her book with Dr Aniban Bandopadhyay for the podcast Historychatter. She is going to be interviewed as a guest historian in a new podcast series on the history of healthcare in India with Suno India (30 June). The venture is funded by the Thakur Family Foundation.

Ana has given a talk titled ‘Decolonization and the making of transcultural psychiatry’ at the Remarque Institute, NYU, on 17 May. The talk was part of the seminar ‘Ethnopsychiatry and its siblings’. She will also present a paper on socialist psychiatry and psychoanalysis – ‘Raising a true socialist individual: Yugoslav psychoanalysis and the creation of democratic Marxist citizens’ – at the workshop titled ‘Psychology in Communist Europe: Expertise and Governance’, organized by the Erfurt University on 2-3 June 2022.

Lamia Moghnieh is presenting a paper “Tracing Women Patients in the Psychiatric Archive: Subjectivity, Affect and the Gendering of Authority” at the workshop “Gendering the Arab Archive” that she co-organized as a member of the Gendering the Archive Working Group (GAWG) at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences. The workshop will take place in Beirut between 18 and 20 May 2022.

She will also present a paper entitled “COVID Pandemic and mental health in Lebanon: Shifting experiences of illness, grief and the materiality of suffering” as part of a workshop on “COVID Pandemic in the Arab World: Approaches from Medical Anthropology” that she co-organized as a member of the Ethnography and Knowledge working Group (EKWG) at the Arab Council for the Social Sciences. The workshop will take place in Beirut between 15 and 17 July 2022.

Finally, the DECOLMAD team will present their research at the Edinburgh Center for Medical Anthropology’s upcoming biennial conference “Pluralizing Mental Health: Care, Crisis, and Critique”. The conference will take place online between 9-10 June 2022.